D.E. Morris
Action & Adventure, Science Fiction
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- Member Since
Jun 2016
- Gender
- Country
United States
- Born
22 October
- Profession
Creative Artist
D.E. Morris has been a sci-fi/fantasy geek since he first flew down the Death Star trench with Luke and trudged the weary road to Mordor with Frodo.
D.E. did not grow up with a television and has been a voracious reader from a young age, as books became his entertainment. He had read "The Lord of the Rings" by the fifth grade and continued on with authors such as Lloyd Alexander, John Christopher, and Terry Brooks. During high school, he was one of the few students who didn’t groan when a creative writing project was assigned or one of the "classics" given to the class to read.
Current influences include Douglas Adams and Steven Moffat (as well as being an obsessive Doctor Who fan). He currently lives in the Seattle area with his wife and two parakeets.